Graduate School of Engineering Department of Management of Industry and Technology

Kurashiki Laboratory

We are looking for a student with enthusiasm.

If you want to join us, please refer to the following.

●Laboratory introduction

研究室の写真 パソコンの写真 パソコンの写真

You can do the reporting of research and lectures, while you’re discussing with senior and synchronization.

You can use large-scale calculations through a laboratory computers.

We have X-ray CT apparatus and tensile, fatigue testing machine, and electron microscope.


Q.1 A.1

What are you doing research?

We are working on experiments and analysis of the composite materials, simulations, and reliability evaluation. To learn more, visit the page of “research”, or please come directly to our laboratory.

Q.2 A.2

Are programing skills required to enter this laboratory?

We have programing seminars instructed by senior students for 4th year undergraduate student. Your skill level is not a problem how when you enter.

Q.3 A.3

Do your proceed with the research alone?

There are cases that you proceed by group project. But for the Thesis, of course you have to write by yourself. People who tries as hard as they can would get help and gradually make personal connections with the people around them naturally.

Q.4 A.4

Can I continue working a part-time job?

It is up to the efforts of the person how they can handle both by 1day24hour without an effect on the research activities.

Q.5 A.5

Is there core time in this laboratory?

There is not core time, but there is a conference every week. It is significant to communicate with others and arrange the schedule because there is a meeting with a company or the professors randomly. It is important to help each other out in order to research well.

Q.6 A.6

Do a student present the research in academic conferences?

Many students present their researches in academic conferences. The knowledge they get there improves their researches. In our laboratory, we are strongly encouraged to make a presentation at national and international conference. We are recommended improving our skills through the process of researches and preparing to go out into world.

Q.7 A.7

I’m interested in learning foreign researches, languages and cultures. Do you have anything to study them?

We actively advance collaborative researches with the University of Leuven and the University of California. So it is possible to get an opportunity to meet overseas professors.As there are foreign students, talk to them anytime and feel "study abroad "in Kurashiki and Hanaki lab.

Q.8 A.8

What kind of sports do you do with lab members?

We enjoy sports such as soccer, basketball, baseball and so on. We use "文武両道(BUNBURYODO)"as a lab motto.

Q.9 A.9

Let me know where OB/OG take jobs?

Wide variety of fields. Machinery, Heavy Industries, Electronics, Material, Vehicle and so on.

Q.10 A.10

Let me know what up-and-coming manpower is in the lab?

We just want the research motivation. “Programing ability” and” physical capacity” are not necessarily required.

Copyright Kurashiki Laboratory. All Rights Reserved.

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